Choithram Hospital

About Me:


Dr. Sagheer Ahmed is a renowned Consultant Interventional Cardiologist and the Head of the Cardiology Department, also serving as the Director of the Cath Lab. With extensive qualifications including MBBS, MD, and DM, and 15 years of experience, Dr. Ahmed specializes in coronary and peripheral interventions. His expertise covers a broad spectrum of cardiovascular procedures, including coronary angiographies and angioplasties, peripheral interventions, and device implantations such as pacemakers and defibrillators. Dr. Ahmed is a life member of the Cardiological Society of India and a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. He has held various leadership roles in professional societies and has contributed significantly to scientific publications and conferences


- Coronary and peripheral Interventions.

Experience (In years)

15 Years

Fields of Expertise

- Huge experience in Doing Simple and Complex Coronary Angiographies and Angioplasties;
- Peripheral Interventions like Angiographies, Peripheral Stentings, And Drug Eluting Balloon Angioplasties;
- Renal Angiographies and Angioplasties, balloon Valvotomies for Mitral Valve, Pulmonary Valve, And Aortic Valve;
- Foreign Body Removal from Vascular Compartments;
- Permanent Pacemaker Implantation of Both Single Chamber and Double Chamber;
- Cardiac Defibrillator Implantation;
- Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy for Heart Failure Patient Pediatric Interventions like ASD closure, VSD closure, PDA Closure Valvulotomies, etc;
- GI Interventions for superior Mesenteric Artery, Coeliac Artery IVC Filters for DVT Patient to Prevent Pulmonary Thromboembolism;
- Getting Appropriate Training for TAVR.

Fellow Membership

- Life Member Cardiological Society of India;
- Fellow American college of cardiology;
- Served as General Secretory Cardiological Society – Indore chapter.

Past Positions

- Senior Resident (Coronary Care Unit), Santokba Durlabh ji Memorial Hospital and Research Institute, Jaipur (Raj), 13/1/2005 To 31/1/2006;
- Medical Specialist, Life Line Hospital, Jalandhar (Pb), 22/6/2004 To 30/11/2004;
- RMO Medicine Rd Gardi Medical College, Ujjain (MP).


- A comparative study to assess whether high sensitive CRP and carotid intima medial thickness improves the predictive accuracy of TMT for cad in perimenopausal women with typical AnginaDhurjati Prasad Sinha, Munna das, Amal k. Banerjee, S. Ahmed, Sonali Majumdar-jima, vol-106 n0. 2, page 86-91, feb.2008;
- Significance of an index of insulin resistance on admission in non-diabetic patients with impaired fasting glucose with acute myocardial infarction and its correlation to short-term outcome Indian Heart Journal Jan-Feb 2009;
- Abstract publications:
- Comparative study of in-hospital mortality due cardiogenic shock in RVMI vs LVMI -Ahmed S, Banerjee A, Singh R,ihj vol 60 no. 5, sep-oct2008;
- Clinical evaluation of patients with isolated moderate to severe MR- Ghosh s, Ahmed S, Singh R; ihj vol 60 no. 5, sep-oct2008; -Correlation between RVEF and survival in patients with COPD: 1 year follow up study- A Banerjee, S Ahmed, H Hassan; ihj vol 60 no. 5, sep-oct2008;
- Significance of an index of insulin resistance on admission in non-diabetic patients with impaired fasting glucose with acute myocardial infarction and its correlation to short-term outcome- DP --Sinha, S Ahmed, A Banerjee, m das, H Hassan; ihj vol 60 no. 5, sep-oct2008.
- Articles publication:
- Endothelial dysfunction- All India CSI: updates in cardiology-2007;
- ACEIs vs ARBs in cardiac practice with special reference to MI and HF: all India CSI: updates 2007;
- Transfer of genetically engineered synthetic pacemaker channel-a novel approach to biological pacemakers-CSI updates West Bengal chapter 2007;
- Prevention of stroke in cardiac patients- All India CSI: updates in cardiology 2008;
- How to approach and manage a case in ICCU: Updates in the protocol of diagnosis and management in ICCU, 2008;
- Co-editor of updates in the protocol of diagnosis and management in ICCU, 2008;
- Paper presentation: state/national/international;
- -Clinical echocardiography- presented at annual conference CSI, WB chapter 2008;
- Echo workshop; 15th Annual Conference, API, WB branch, 2008;
- Free paper presentation; correlation between RVEF and survival in patients with COPD: 1 year follow up study. All India CSI, 2008;
- Poster presentation; comparative study of in-hospital mortality due cardiogenic shock in RVMI vs LVMI, All India CSI, 2008;
- Poster presentation: significance of an index of insulin resistance on admission in nondiabetic patients with impaired fasting glucose with acute myocardial infarction and its correlation to short-term outcome, All India CSI, 2008;
- Poster presentation: clinical evaluation of patients with isolated moderate to severe MR: All India CSI, 2008;
- A case of chest pain: updates in ACS, 2009;
- Thesis Written- Comparative study of clinical profile of myocardial Infarction in diabetic and non–diabetic patients. (During MD course).

Awards and Recognitions

Appointment Days and Timings

MON-SAT (09:00 AM-05:00 PM)