Choithram Hospital

About Me:


- Expertise in all routine techniques in Diagnostic Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular biology;
- Special techniques such as Direct and Indirect Immunofluorescence for Auto-immune disease, Electrophoresis, Anaerobic Bacteriology, Virology, tissue culture, RIA, Elisa, REAL TIME PCR for HBV DNA, HCV, Dengue, JE, Herpese, CMV, Chikunguniya, Swine-Flue and Tuberculosis, HLA typing, Tissue cross matching, HLA B27,Hormone and cancer markers and drug assays, MIC Levels, Microbiological assays, water, food and environmental microbiology, Molecular-biology, rpoB gene mutation detection by Real time PCR method, Phage assay for detection of drug resistance in Mycobacteria, Karyotyping,etc;
- Semen bank & sperm washing procedure standardization;
- PCR and Real time PCR;
- Phage Technique for drug resistance and diagnosis of Tuberculosis
- Attended International Symposium on “New frontiers in tuberculosis” at ICGEB, New Delhi in Dec 2006
- Participated in the clinical excellence programme on jan2007 at Indore
- Attended International symposium on tuberculosis research: biomarks, drugs and vaccines at ICGEB, New Delhi in Dec 2008
- Attended CME on Tuberculosis: Trend, Challenges and solution at Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal in 2009
- Training Programme on “Autoimmune Disease workshop /wet Lab Training”, National Institute of Immuno-haematology, Mumbai on 1st and 2nd Feb 2010)
- Attended Workshop on HLA SSP Molecular Typing at Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital, Bangaluru on 20th and 21st Aug 2010.
- Attended the “Training in Culture and Drug Susceptibility Testing of mycobacteria” Training at National Tuberculosis Institute, Bangaluru on 16th and 26th May 2011.
- Attended the Third National meeting of Indian network for surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (INSAR) meeting at Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahmedabad, on 25TH and 26TH Aug’ 2011
- Attended the Project investigators meeting conducted by GSK at Mumbai in Oct’ 2011.
- Training Programme on “Autoimmune Disease workshop /wet Lab Training”, conducted by Euro immune company at Mumbai on 23st and 25nd May 2012)
- Training on Skin banking harvesting and processing of skin grafts for Burn patients at Dutch Burns Foundation, Euro Tissue Bank Beverwijk,The Netherlands in Nov 2012
- Attended the Project investigators meeting conducted by GSK at Mumbai in Oct’ 2011.
- Project: SOAR 2011-2013
- Attended the Training programme on “Quality Management Systems and Internal Audit labs as per ISO 15189-2012 at Indore conducted by HELP” in 2014.
- Attended the training programme on “Lab management in TB’ at Hyderabad, Dec’2015 organized by RNTCP
- Attended the training programme on “Diphtheria and Pertussis” at Vellore, Nov 2016 organized by WHO
- Attended the training programme on “Diphtheria and Pertussis” online in Feb 2022 organized by WHO.


- Developmental work in the diagnostic technology;
- Tuberculosis research;
- Development of rapid (3 days turnaround time) Phage Based Technique for drug resistant detection of Mycobacteria from direct Sputum samples;
- Low level laser: Biological effects, atomic force Microscopy, Immunofluorescence;
- Bacterial Drug Resistance;
- Epidemiology of infectious diseases;
- Molecular biology techniques in the disease diagnosis;
- Cellular Immunology and HLA typing;
- Teaching Experience: Ph.D. students, B.Sc. Nursing, BPT, M.Sc. Microbiology, Biotechnology.

Experience (In years)

14 Years

Fields of Expertise

- 1993-1994: Development of Acridine orange fluorescent technique for Malaria Parasites, CHRC, Indore;
- 1994-1995: Effect of He-Ne laser on Monocytes to study proliferation and cytokine level (TNF-alpha, GMCSF), CHRC, Indore;
- 1995-1996: Bactericidal effect of Nitrogen laser on Mycobacterium tuberculosis, CHRC, Indore;
- 1996-97: In-vitro Study of Phagocytic activity of monocytes in presence of Nitrogen and He-Ne laser in PTB cases, CHRC, Indore;
- 1997-1998: Study on Rise of ESR and C-reactive protein levels in PTB cases, CHRC, Indore;
- 1998-99: Effect of He-Ne and Nitrogen lasers on Apoptosis of Monocytes from PTB patients;
- 1999-2000: “In-vitro study of apoptosis of PMN cells in Burn patients, CHRC, Indore;
- 2000-01: Rapid detection and identification of M. tuberculosis using PCR techniques, CHRC, Indore;
- 2002-03: Evaluation of A-60 Antigen based Elisa kit in normal populating and confirmed PTB cases and Phage technique for the rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for clinical samples;
- 2003-04: T cell interferon level in PTB patients, Utility of CA-125 levels in pleuritis, Ascites and endometritis;
- 2004-05: TB PCR for endometriosis cases, Set-up of Elisa for antibody detection using LPS antigen for tuberculosis diagnosis;
- 2005-2006: Real time PCR for mycobacteria;
- 2007-2008: Real time PCR for HBV DNA, HCV RNA, Chikunguniya virus, JE virus, Herpes, CMV, HIV, Bird Flu virus, Dengue;
- 2008- 2009: standardization of mycobacteriophage amplification technique for detection of drug resistance of Mycobacteria;
- 2009- 2010: Design the technique for detection of drug resistance of Mycobacteria for drugs, INH, Rifampicin, Ethambutol and Ciprofloxacin;
- 2010-2011: Design the technique for detection of drug resistance of Mycobacteria for streptomycin;

Fellow Membership

- Life Member of Indian Association of Microbiologist and Molecular Biologist;
- Life Member of Association of Clinical Biochemist and Microbiologist.

Past Positions

- Consultant in Microbiology and Molecular biology, CHRC, Indore;
- 2023-onwards: Head, Hospital Infection Control Department.


- Dhiviya Prabaa Muthuirulandi Sethuvel **, Nithya Subramanian 1, Agila Kumari Pragasam **, Francis Yesurajan Inbanathan 2, Prashant Gupta 3, Jaichand Johnson 4, Naresh Chand Sharma 5, Nanda Hemvani 6, Balaji Veeraraghavan **, Shalini Anandan **, Lucky Sangal 2 Insights to the Diphtheria Toxin Encoding Prophages amongst Clinical Isolates of Corynebacterium diphtheriae from India, Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, Volume 37, Issue 3, July–September 2019, Pages 423-425;
- Arindam Bose, Vidyut Jain, Girish Kawthekar, Chandrabala Chhabra, Nanda Hemvani, Dhananjay S. Chitnis, The Importance of Serial Time Point Quantitative Assessment of Cardiac Troponin I in the Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Damage, Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, Volume:22, issue:9(2018).629-631;

- Arindam Bose, Chandrabala Chhabra, Shobha Chamania, Nanda Hemvani, Dhananjay Sadashiv Chitnis, Cardiac troponin I: A potent biomarker for myocardial damage assessment following high voltage electric burn, Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery,2016, 49 (3): 406-409;
- Arindam Bose, Norman Sharma, Nanda Hemvani, Dhananjay Sadashiv Chitnis. Severe post-partum autoimmune hypothyroidism associated with a novel loss of function mutation in intracellular domain of human thyrotropin receptor: A case report. Medical Studies/Studia Medyczne 2016; 32 (4): 294–298;

- Bhagwanani NS, Bhatia,GC, Sharma N, Hemvani N., Chitnis DS, Low level laser therapy in pulmonary tuberculosis, Laser Therapy, 24.3;209-14, 2015;
- Bose, Arindam, Soni, Neelu, Dashore, Nivadita, Gajria, Kamal; Jhamad, Sushma; Hemvani, Nanda; Chitnis, Dhananjay; An enumeration of the prevalence of hypothyroidism during pregnancy in central India, Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health; 3, S34-S37, 2015;
- Bose A, Chitnis DS, Hemvani N, Correlation between bone mass density and Thyrotropin hormone in postmenopousal women, Indian Journal of Nursing studies, vol 5, No.2, July-Dec, 2014;
- Gunjan Katara, Dr. Nanda Hemvani, Dr. Sheetal Chitnis, Dr. Vikrant Chitnis, Dr. Dhananjay Sadashiv Chitnis Efficacy Studies on Per Acetic Acid against Pathogenic Micro-organisms, Journal of Patient safety and infection control, 2015;
- Arindam Bose, Norman Sharma, Dhanraj Panjwani, Sameer Nivsarkar4, Shrikant Phatak, Abhik Sikdar, Nanda Hemvani and Dhananjay.S Chitnis. The Importance of Thyroid Antibody Estimation for the Detection of Hypothyroidism: A Prospective Study Int. J. Curr. icrobiol.App.Sci ,Volume 4 Number 8 (2015) pp. 884-891;
- Vikas Patidar, N. Hemvani and D. S. Chitnis* Evaluation of Drug Susceptibility to Rifampicin, INH and Linezolid using Resazurine Microtitre Assay, Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App.Sci (2015) 4(7): 404-412;
- Arindam Bose1, Norman Sharma2, Nanda Hemvani1, Dhananjay.S. Chitnis1 A Hospital Based Prevalence Study on Thyroid Disorders in Malwa region of Central India, Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(6): 604-611;
- Dr. Nanda Hemvani, Vikas Patidar, D.S. Chitnis *, A simple and economical in-house phage technique for the rapid detection of rifampin, isoniazid, ethambutol, streptomycin, and ciprofloxacin drug resistancein Mycobacterium tuberculosis, directly on decontaminated sputum samples International Journal of Infectious Diseases 16 (2012) e332–e336;
- Hemvani, N, V Patidar, D. S.Chitnis. In-house, Simple and Economical Phage Technique for rapid detection of Rifampicin, Isoniazid, ethambutol, streptomycin and ciprofloxacin Drug Resistance using Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates, Indian J Med Res 2012; 135: 1-5;
- Chamania Shobha, Hemvani N, Joshi Sankelp, Burn Wound infection: current problem and unmet needs, Indian Journal of Burns, vol-20, 2,18-21, 2012;
- Mr.Yatiraj Kalantri, Dr. Nanda Hemvani, Dr. D. S. Chitnis. Evaluation of Real time PCR, IFN -Gamma, ADA and IgA for the efficient diagnosis of Pleural Tuberculosis, International Journal of Infectious diseases, 15,2011,226-231;
- Chitnis S, Katara G, Hemvani N, Chitnis DS, Augmentation in zone of inhibition of cefoparazone / cefoparazone + sulbatum compares well with the clinical laboratory standard institute standard extended spectrum beta lactamases detection method as well as the polymerase chain reaction method. Current drug safety, vol -6, 2011;
- Chitnis S, Katara G, Hemvani N, Pareek Siddika, Chitnis DS, In vitro activity of deptomycin and linezolid against Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus and Vancomycin resistant enterococci isolated from hospitalized cases in central India, IJMR (In press);

- Dr. Nanda Hemvani, Dr. Deepti Jain, Dr. D.S. Chitnis, Dr. R.Nath & Dr. V.Ganesan, Atomic Forece Microscopy as a Biomedical Tool: Morphological features of M. smegmatis and Nano-particulate Bacteriophages D29, Medical Journal of D,Y, Patil University, Vol: 2,(3), 11-15, 2009;
- Mr.Yatiraj Kalantri, Dr.Nanda Hemvani, Dr.D.S.Chitnis. Evaluation of Whole Blood IFN -gamma test using PPD and Recombinant antigen challenge for diagnosis of pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol 47, 2009, 463-468;
- Katara G, Hemvani N, Chitnis S, Chitnis V and Chitnis DS, Surface Disinfection by exposure to germicidal UV light, Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, Vol 26, (3), 241-42,2008;
- Chitnis Sheetal Chitnis Vikrant Hemvani Nanda and Chitnis Dhananjay Sadadhiv, Preservation of Vibrio cholerae by suspension in normal saline (pH 8), Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 26 (2), 201-202, 2008;
- Dr.S.Chitnis, Dr.V.Chitnis, Dr.D.S Chitnis, Dr. N. Hemvani, Preservation of Vibrio cholerae by Suspension in Normal Saline, IJMM, Vol-26,Issue-2, 201-202, 2008;
- Dr. Manoj Dubey, Yatiraj Kalantri, Nanda Hemvani, D.S.Chitnis. Chronic Knee monoarthritis caused by Mycobacteria chelonae, National medical journal of India, Vol-20, Issue-5, P-240-241, 2007;
- Kalantri Y, Naik G, Joshi SP, Jain A, Phatak S, Chavan R, Hemvani N, Chitnis D S. CA-125 Raised in Non- malignant Cases of Pleural Effusion & Ascites, Indian J Med Res, 125, 25-30 January 2007;
- Dubey M, Kalantri Y, Hemvani N, Chitnis DS, Chronic knee monoarthritis caused by Mycobacterium chelonae, The National Medical Journal of India, 20 (5), 240-41, 2007;
- Bhatia GC, Hemvani N, Chitnis DS. Role of Bronchoalviolar lavage in pulmonary infections, Lung India, 23,174-150,2006;
- Chitnis S, Chitnis V, Hemvani N, Chitnis DS. In vitro Susceptibility to Meropenem and Other Antimicrobial Agents among Gram-Negative Bacilli Isolated from Hospitalized Patients in Central India, Chemotherapy, 52,43-45,2006;
- Chitnis S., Chitnis V, Hemvani N. and D.S. Chitnis, Ciprofloxacin therapy for typhoid fever needs reconsideration, J Intect Chemother,12: 402-404,2006;
- Chitnis S, Chitnis V, Hemvani N, Chitnis DS, In vitro susceptibility to meropenem and other antimicrobial agents among gram negative bacilli isolated from hospitalized patients in central India, Chemotherapy, 52, 43-45, 2006;
- Chamania Shobha, Nanda Hemvani, D.S Chitnis. In vitro Effect of Nitrogen and He-Ne laser on the apoptosis of Human PMN & effect of Nitrogen laser on infected Burn Wounds, Indian society of Wound Management. Vol-1, No.2, 1-15, 2006;
- Hemvani N, Chitnis DS & Bhagwanani NS, Helium Neon and nitrogen laser irradiation accelerates the phagocytic activity of human monocytes, Photomedicine and laser surgery, 23 (6), 2005; 571-574;
- Hemvani N., Dr. D.S.Chitnis, Mini George, Shobha Chammania, In Vitro Effect of Nitrogen and He-Ne laser on the Apoptosis of Human Polymorpho Nuclear Cells from Burn Cases and Healthy Volunteers, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, Photomedicine and laser surgery, Vol 23 (5), 2005; 476-479;
- Kalantri Y, Hemvani N., Bhatia G.C., Chitnis D.S. Elisa kit Evaluation for IgG & IgM antibodies to A-60 tubercular protein antigen, Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol 59, No.8, 301-309,2005;
- Hemvani N, Chitnis DS. Modified Blood Supplemented L J Medium Improves Recovery of Mycobacteria from Sputum Samples, The Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, Vol.47, No. 4, 589, 2004;
- Hemwani N, Mani T, Chitnis DS. Rapid and efficient screening for malaria parasites using acridine orange staining., IJMM,2004 ;22(1):73;
- Hemvani N., Dr. D.S. Chitnis, Mrs Swati Mishra & Mrs T. Mani, Comparison of Malarial Antigen Detection kits with Fluorescent Microscopy, The Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, Vol. 46, No.1, 2003, 150-151;
- Jaiswal S.P.B. Hemvani N, Norman Sharma, Sunil Athale, Chitnis D.S., Prevalence of Fungal meningitis Among HIV Positive & Negative Subjects in Indore (MP State), Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol.56, No.7, July 2002, 325-329;
- Hemwani N., Chitnis D.S., Prevalence of Drug Resistance Among M. Tuberculosis Isolates in Indore (M.P.), Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 20 (4): 228, 2002;
- Hemvani N., D.S. Chitnis, G.C.Bhatia, Drug Resistance among Tubercle Bacilli from Pulmonary Tuberculosis Cases in Central India, Indian Journal of Medical Sciences,55 (7),382-392, 2001;
- Hemvani N, Chitnis D.S, S.P. Joshi, C- Reactive Proteins in Cerebro-spinal Fluid & Its Role in Differentiation of Meningitis, Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 19 (1): 2001; 26-29;
- Hemvani N., D.S.Chitnis, Thankamonyamma Radhakrishnan & Renu Vijayvargiya, Smears from Rat Liver Suspension as Modified Substrate for Antinuclear Antibody Test, The Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 44 (1); 49-52, 2001;
- Verma, S., Joshi S, Chitnis V, N. Hemvani, Chitnis DS, Growing problem of methicillin resistant Staphylococci-Indian Scenario, Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, 54, (12), 535-540, 2000;
- Joshi S, Verma S, Chitnis V, N. Hemvani, Trivedi R, Ravikant, Chitnis DS, Bacterial contamination of underground water in Indore city, Journal of Environmental & Pollution, 7 (4) 2000, pp. 303-312;
- Hemvani N. Chitnis D.S., G.C. Bhatia, Bacteriological Study on Pulmonary & Extra-Pulmonary Cases of Tuberculosis from Central India, Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol: 54, 5:188-196, 2000;
- Hemvani N, DS Chitnis, Studies on Blood Factors Responsible for Rise in ESR, Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 43 (4): 423-428,2000;
- Chitnis V, DS Chitnis, S Verma, N Hemvani, Multidrug -resistant Salmonella typhi in India, The Lancet, Vol. 354, 514, 1999;
- Hemvani N, D.S. Chitnis & N.S. Bhagwanani, Nitrogen and He-Ne laser exposure increases apoptotic death rate for human macrophages, Laser Therapy, Vol.11, (No.1), 19-25.,1999;
- Hemvani N., M.V. Asolkar, D.S.Dixit & D.S. Chitnis, Acridine Orange Stained Blood Wet Mounts For Fluorescent Detection Of Malarial Parasites, Indian Journal of Pathologist and Microbiologist, 43 (1): 125-128, 1999;
- Hemvani N., D.S.Chitnis & N.S. Bhagwanani, Effect of Helium-Neon Laser On Cultured Human Macrophages, Laser Therapy, 10: 159-164, 1998;
- Hemvani N., R Vijayvargiya & D.S. Chitnis, Laboratory Data on Tuberculosis at Choithram Hospital & Research Centre (1987-94), Journal of Choithram Hospital & Research Centre, 1995; Vol: VII: 35-37;
- Hemvani N, MV Asolkar, DS Dixit & D.S. Chitnis, Efficient Detection of Malarial Parasites by Fluorescent Staining, Journal of Choithram Hospital & Research Centre, 1995; Vol: VII: 12-13.
- Hemvani N, R Vijayvargiya & D.S. Chitnis, Antibody Elisa for Tuberculosis: Dilemma in Dilemma, Journal of the Choithram Hospital & Research Centre, 1995; pp-97;
- Hemvani N. & D.S. Chitnis, On the Frontiers of Laboratory Diagnosis, Journal of Choithram Hospital & Research Centre, 1993; vol.1: pp.-9;
- Maliekal M, Hemvani N, Ukande U, Geed S, Bhattacherjee M, George J, Chitnis DS. Comparison of Traditional Hand Wash with Alcoholic Hand Rub in ICU Setup, Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 2005, Vol: 9, Issue-3, P-141-144.

Awards and Recognitions

- Project In charge: Vaccine Preventable Diseases, WHO Programme for Diphtheria and Pertussis since 2017;
- Project In charge, RNTCP Proramme from 2010 to 2020;
- Co-organizing Secretary: Work shop on Biomedical Waste, 2004, Held at CHRC, Indore;
- Received Poster paper award at IV National conference on Hospital Infection Control, 1997, CHRC, Indore;
- Registered as guiding teacher for Ph.D. Progamme, Life Sciences at Devi Ahilya University, Indore;
- Guided and co-guided: Ph.D. student;
- Co-guided DNB students;
- Co-guided M.Sc. students for Dissertation programme;
- Successfully completed the “Fast Track Young Scientist award” projects as Principal investigator / Project officer, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi. 2007-2010.

Appointment Days and Timings

Mon- Sat (10:00 AM- 06:00 PM)